STRIPPER.EXE This little program could stand improvement, but if you need it, it will save you some work. It sorts the declarations in constant.txt, win30api.txt, win31ext.txt, and other such files, into separate files of constant, sub, function, and type declarations. It also strips the comments and prefixes. The output files have the extension ".str". These are the files of the format required by the AutoDec. It will also merge the ".str" files which it produces, so that you can collect declarations from various API texts and assemble them into 1 file. These files will have a default extension of ".mrg" Stripper does not alter your original files. LIMITATIONS: There are some 64K limits which will cause 'Out of Memory' errors. Usually this happens when trying to merge two files, one of which is over 64K in length. Also, the MS text style is presumed. If 3rd-party files adhere to a similiar format, you can process them without problem. (I extracted the files I use from those distributed with D. Appleman's book, because they already had the obsolete functions removed. Sheridan, Microhelp, and other vendors distribute files which can processed by this utility.) The files used by AutoDec require several steps to create. The process can become confusing so pay careful attention to output names and the setting of option buttons. It may help to create a couple of temporary subdirectories. First, process each original file 4 times to produce 4 files. These will be a 'Const', a 'Type', a 'Sub', and a 'Dec' file. (Not all files will require 4 steps. Constants are often in a separate already.) Give each an appropriate name. Move them out of the way (into a subdirectory perhaps) and repeat the process for each original file you wish to sort. When this is done, all the files of a particular kind can be merged to create a single file. For example, the 'constant' declarations in the winXXapi.txt files can be extracted as above and the several files then merged into a single file. If the file is to be used by AutoDec, rename it as per the list at the end of this document, and move it into the "..\decs" subdirectory . (This subdirectory should exist under the directory in which vbwitch.exe was placed.) To create a ".str" file: 1. Click on a file. It should appear in 'Source..' and 'Output..', in the latter case with a ".str" extension. Change the output name if you need to. 2. Select the kind of declarations which you wish to extract (i.e. Subs, Types, etc.). For a typical Microsoft file, which contains declarations of all kinds in a single file, it will be necessary to run the program 4 times, once for each of the 4 options. 3. Click 'OK'. (Be patient, it's slow). When it says 'Finished' you should have a ".str" file in the stripper directory. 4. Repeat if necessary to get each of the 4 kinds of declarations. Be sure to give each output file a unique name or it will be overwritten. (Sorry) 5. Your original file will have now spawned up to 4 files. Repeat the above for each original file whose declarations you wish to extract. To create a merged (".mrg") file: 1. Select the option button of the kind of ".str" files you are merging. If you are merging 'Type' declarations be sure the correct button is selected. 2. Click 'Select'. Now click each of the two files you wish to merge. Both files should be of the same kind, i.e. they should both be ".str" files containing constants, or both be subs, etc. (The merge process will proceed even if the files are of different kinds, so check if you are unsure, or you will produce a mongrel file.) Stripper does not alter the source files of a merge. 3. The name of each file should be in the boxes at the bottom, with their respective sizes alongside. If either of the files is over 64K, the merge will fail. Try rebalancing them if this is a problem. 4. Click 'Merge'. (Again, be patient.) When it finishes you should have a file called ".mrg" in the stripper directory. Move it or rename it before repeating the process to merge more files or it will possibly be overwritten. IMPORTANT NOTE: Check the output of each operation! Stripper will sometimes show a file created that has no text, especially for 'Types' if the 'Type' option button is not selected. Also check each file for typos in the original that may have resulted in distortions during stripping. To create an AutoDec ".dec" file: The files used by Autodec were assembled as above from files distributed with VB. You can also produce these files manually or with some other utility. (I didn't have one at hand.) You can edit the files with any text editor. Following is a list of the 8 files used. They must have these names or you will get a 'File not found' error attempting to access them. When AutoDec pastes a declaration, it prepends the prefix and a space(" ") to the text of the declaration, except in the case of 'Type' declarations. Filename: Prefix: 1. APICONS.DEC "Global Const" 2. APIFUNCS.DEC "Declare Function" 3. APISUBS.DEC "Declare Sub" 4. APITYPES.DEC (none) 5. CUSTOM.DEC pfx1$ 6. USER1.DEC pfx2$ 7. USER2.DEC pfx3$ 8. VBCONS.DEC "Global Const" pfx1$, pfx2$, pfx3$ must be specified by you in the [dec] section of "vbwitch.ini". The "custom.dec" file might be used for constants associated with custom controls by specifying pfx1$="Global Const" The user files can be used similiarly, except that you may wish to collect DLL or other functions here.